Active Ingredient: cypermethrin 250 g/l

Contact and stomach poison insecticide in the form of an emulsifiable concentrate, brownish red in color, to control pests on cocoa, chili and soybean crops.


  • BRASSO 250 EC effectively control various types of caterpillars, ticks, grasshoppers, and various types of sucker and other borers from the orders Lepidoptera, Hemiptera, Homoptera, and Coleoptera.
  • BRASSO 250 EC quickly paralyzes and kills pests, and its working power as a contact poison and stomach poison can cause pests to die after being hit by direct spray, touching or eating leaves/other plant parts that are sprayed, so that plant pests can be controlled completely.
  • BRASSO 250 EC with the active ingredient cypermethrin 250 g/l contains the highest active ingredient in its class, so the dose used is lower compared to other formulations with lower cypermethrin content.
Target Plants and PestsDose/Formulation ConcentrateMethod and Timming of Application


Thrips pest

Thrips sp.


Myzus persicae

Aphids sp.

Fruit flies

Dacus sp.

0,75 - 1 ml/l


0,5 - 1 ml/l


1 ml/l


0,5 - 1 ml/l

Application is carried out by spraying high volumes when the pest population/intensity of attack has reached its control threshold according to local recommendations.

Spray volume 300 - 500 liters/ha depending on the age of the plant.

If it is not clear, contact the authorized agricultural officer.


Fruit borer

Conopomorpha cramerella

0,5 – 1 ml/l

Application is carried out by spraying high volumes when the pest population/intensity of attack has reached its control threshold according to local recommendations.

Spray volume 300 - 500 l/ha according to the age of the plant.

If it is not clear, contact the authorized agricultural officer.


Leaf roller

Lamprosema indicata

Leaf destroyer

Plusia chalcites

Pengisap polong

Riptortus linearis

Penggerek polong

Etiella zinckenella

0,5 - 1 ml/l


0,5 - 1 ml/l


0,5 - 1 ml/l


0,5 - 1 ml/l

Application is carried out by spraying high volumes when the pest population/intensity of attack has reached its control threshold according to local recommendations.

Spray volume 300 - 500 l/ha according to the age of plant.

If it is not clear, contact the authorized agricultural officer.
