Active Ingredients: glyphosate isopropylamine 480 g/l (equivalent to glyphosate 356 g/l)
A post-emergence systemic herbicide, in the form of an aqueous solution, yellow in color, to control broad leaf weeds and narrow leaf weeds in rubber (Immature Plants) and oil palm (Immature Plants) plantations.
Target Plants and Weeds | Dose/Formulation Concentrate | Method and Timming of Application |
Rubber (Immature Plants) Reeds Imperata cylindrica Broadleaf weed Borreria alata Mikania micrantha Narrow leaf weed Ottochloa nodosa Setaria plicata | 2 - 3 l/ha
1 - 2 l/ha
1 - 2 l/ha | High-volume spraying. Spraying when the weeds are actively growing, spraying is done in the morning it is estimated that the rain will not fall 2 hours after spraying. If it is not clear, contact the authorized agricultural officer. |
Oil palm (Immature Plants) Reeds Imperata cylindrica Broadleaf weed Ageratum conyzoides Mikania micrantha Clidemia hirta Narrow leaf weed Ottochloa nodosa Ischaemum timorense | 2 - 3 l/ha
2 - 4 l/ha
2 - 4 l/ha | High-volume spraying. Spraying when the weeds are actively growing, spraying is done in the morning it is estimated that the rain will not fall 2 hours after spraying. If it is not clear, contact the authorized agricultural officer. |