UNICAL® 200/125 SC

UNICAL® 200/125 SC

Active Ingredients: azoxystrobin 200 g/l, difenoconazole 125 g/l

UNICAL® 200/125 SC contains two active ingredients, azoxystrobin 200 g/l and difenoconazole 125 g/l, which is a systemic fungicide that is protective and curative in the form of a concentrated suspension, white in color, to control pathogens that cause disease in cultivated plants.


  • Two active ingredients, which are known to be effective in protecting plants from attacks by fungi/pathogens that cause diseases in cultivated plants.
  • Wide control spectrum. Able to control almost all pathogens that cause disease in cultivated plants.
  • Makes plants greener and lush.
  • The perfect systemic effect, itself will increase plant resistance and protection against pathogens for longer.
  • Can be applied to protect and also treat pathogen attacks.
  • Does not cause phytotoxicity and is safe for the environment.
Target Plants and DiseasesDose/Formulation ConcentrateMethod and Timming of Application


Anthracnose disease

Colletotrichum capsici

2 ml/l

Application is carried out by means of high volume spraying when the population/intensity of pest attacks has reached the control threshold in accordance with local recommendations.

Spray volume 300 - 500 liters/ha depending on age and type of plant.

If it is not clear, contact the authorized agricultural officer.
